Should We Spy on Child’s Phone to Stop Digital Harassment?


Parents are concerned about digital harassment, and they are also worried about whether their teens are interacting with the wrong people in the virtual world. It is because at present all most all the parents have already witnessed the dark sides of the virtual world. Obviously, we are shocked to see teenagers running slanderous videos about a girl on WhatsApp and Facebook. Such heinous episodes last every year, even every month! 

 Digital Harassment

But what world do we live in? How to safeguard our teens from digital harassment? On the contrary, we also need to know whether our children or teens are interacting with the wrong people over social networks. You know what? The drug dealers choose the internet as a secure medium to promote drugs. They, in fact, try to increase their customers. Teenagers are in their priority list! Recently, on the 27th of November, 2020, shocking news titled ‘Social outcast’ behind $17 million dark web drug syndicate’. Thus, it is essential to monitor our child’s or teenager’s phone. It is vital now to spy the teenager’s smartphone or tablet.

In this article, we will tell you about a solution that could, most certainly, limit many disappointments. However, many may claim that it is unethical to spy on a child’s phone. Let’s first find out whether it is illegal to spy on your child’s or teenager’s phone.

Is It Legal to Spy on Your Child’s or Teenager’s Phone to Stop Digital Harassment?

 phone tracking app

We often hear about respect for privacy and the prohibition of certain computer espionage practices. The good news is that using this type of software for monitoring children is entirely legal under certain conditions:

  • You must be the legal guardian of the child you are spying on.
  • This child must be a minor and be warned of the presence of this software on his mobile (it’s up to you to turn it carefully so as not to arouse his suspicions).
  • You must be the legal owner of the spy phone as well as of the phone line associated with it.

So, from this discussion, it is clear that spying on your child’s or teenager’s phone is legal. Thus, you may not only stop digital harassment, but also you can safeguard your child.  

Why Should You Spy Your Child’s phone?

However, it seems evident that just a sound education is not always enough to keep your child on the right path. We are in the era of all vices, and without wanting to call into question his virtue, there is a good chance that he will not succeed in resisting the many temptations which will not fail to present themselves in his path. The period of adolescence is crucial in life, and it is essential not to make irreparable mistakes. It is, therefore, in their interest, to protect them by trying to anticipate the choices they will make during their various experiences.

Adults, as well as children, use social networks. The latter, therefore, expose themselves to risks since they do not always know how to filter and use the information to which they have access. What could be better in this case than using an application to monitor them? It’s an easy and discreet way to access a child’s cell phone or tablet, knowing that most of the information about their life is there. This method will allow you to:

  • Get to know your child’s universe better;
  • Adopt the right approach to fit in well with his personality;
  • Know what tricks he is involved in and whether he has any vices;
  • Anticipate a danger that awaits him and react accordingly.

How Does This Stuff Work?

 spy on spouse cell phone

Spy on your child’s phone remotely? It is quite simple. This software, called spouseware, can be downloaded directly from the Internet and installed on the phone. Yes, it works for both iOS and Android. On the other hand, it is very convenient to install. You can contact the support team. The support team is very professional, dedicated, and passionate. They will visibly guide you on the whole process of installation. However, be sure which package you need to install based on your requirements.

SpouseWare offers three packages:

  • Spouseware Online
  • Spouceware App
  • Spouceware Pro

Once the installation is complete, the cookie will be in place and begin its mission. The operation of the software is outstanding and marvellous. It collects all the data which passes through the telephone and stores them on an external server. By logging in to your online account using a username and password that you created when registering, you will have access to all of this data. You will therefore be able to know everything your child does with their phone at any time. Thus, you can monitor your child or teen whether he/ she is under digital harassment or some evil influences.

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And What Do We See?

 phone hacking app

Lots of things!! And it’s pretty crazy.

  • Saved contacts, calls, and SMS. History of calls received or made by the telephone. Furthermore, it even goes so far as to make an audio recording of conversations, and the same is true for SMS received or sent. You can see it all!
  • Conversations made via messaging as well as all your child’s activities on their social network account like Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp.
  • Photos and videos stored on the phone.
  • Internet browsing history.
  • The GPS location of the phone. Beyond being able to see the routes followed, this feature offers something really crazy. 
  • And you can access your child’s phone camera and see what is around them.

Bottom Lines

Even though spying on the child’s or teenager’s phone or tablet is a kind of violation of the privacy rights of others, this approach is validated by law. Since parents are responsible for their minor children, they have every right to use these applications. However, they can no longer act in this way once the adolescent reaches adulthood, because then he is considered to be able to judge for himself the use of his mobile. The most significant advantages in spying on a child’s smartphone or tablet are to take the right step to stop digital harassment and safeguard them from being trapped!
